China discovers first 100 million ton deep water oil field

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-14      Origin: Site

The reporter learned from China National Offshore Oil Corporation that China's first deep water large oil field was discovered in the Pearl River Mouth basin - Kaiping South oil field, proved oil and gas geological reserves of 102 million tons of oil equivalent. Located about 300 kilometers from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, the oil field has an average water depth of more than 500 meters, the largest well depth of 4,831 meters, and the nature of the oil is light crude oil. The discovery well was drilled into a reservoir of 100.6 meters and averaged more than 1,000 tons of oil equivalent per day, setting a new record for deepwater deep oil and gas test production in China.

Compared with the traditional exploration areas of shallow water and middle and shallow layers, the exploration degree of deep water in China is very low, and it is an important substitute area for the future growth of oil and gas reserves and production. In recent years, China has strengthened scientific research, innovated geological understanding, and promoted continuous breakthroughs in the theory and engineering technology of offshore deep oil and gas geology, and gradually achieved large-scale oil and gas discoveries such as Bozhong 260-600 million ton deep oil field and Baodao 21-1 deep water gas field. The discovery of the Nan-100 million ton oil field in Kaiping further reveals the huge exploration potential in China's deep water area.


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