Grade D sucker rod with T class coupling

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-30      Origin: Site

Tianjin Soright Technology development Co., ltd supply high quality sucker rods in different size. 

The Sucker rods are used to connect subsurface sucker rod pump and pump unite. We hold a international advanced upsetting production line with continuous upsetting in eight station, the rod connector has good forging structure and continuous metal streamline, which has high grain size and no overheating burnt, crack, pit, folding and other defects. Besides, it has good advantages of high accuracy forming, high liner degree, uniform organization performance, good corrosion resistance and stress rupture ability, which can preferably solve the problems of losing and unscrewing.

The meterial of our sucker rods is AISI 4130, Grade D, with Class T coupling on one end,  the length of sucker rod is 7.62 meter. 

specification of sucker rods

sucker rods


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