Oman's Ministry of Mines has signed an oil and gas exploration agreement with CC Energy Development

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-19      Origin: Site

Oman's Ministry of Mines has signed an oil and gas exploration concession agreement with CC Energy Development Company for concession blocks 38 and 74. Carry out geological and geophysical studies and seismic surveys required for oil and gas exploration operations. Block 38 is located in the southwest of Dhofar Province and covers an area of about 17,425 square kilometers; Block 74 is located in the southeast of Dhofar Province and covers an area of about 3,064 square kilometers. CC Energy Development has been working with the Aneng Mines Ministry for more than 15 years and has previously invested in the exploration of Blocks 3 and 4.


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